Do I need to be a builder to build my kitset?
B tools

SmartPLANZ unique plans and drawing packages are ideal for owners wishing to build their own projects.
There are three categories of buildings in the Building Code:
a) Up to 10m² - these can be owner-built (conditions apply, see below)
b) From 10 to 30m² - If there is no Building Consent requirement (see conditions below) and light-weight claddings are used, you can owner-build.
(All our standard under 30m² designs fall into this category).
c) Any building with Building Consent - you can apply for an Owner-Build exemption - some conditions apply and licenced plumbers, drainlayers and electricians still new to be involved.

Do I need a Building Consent (Permit)?
C building plans

10m² and under
Most buildings 10m² or under don't require a building consent.
However there are conditions to this, these include:
 a) There must be another residential building on the property,
 b) The building should be its own height away from any boundary or residence,
 c) The building can't have running drinking water, kitchen or bathroom units.
It also needs to be built to the NZ Building Code requirements.

Over 10m² up to 30m².
Most buildings - sleepouts, sheds. garages, up to 30m² can be built without Building Consent. However conditions apply:
a) must be designed and constructed to the normal Building Code and District Plan rules that would apply to a Building Consent.
b) Floor levels can't be greater than 1.0m above ground level
c) Roof can't be higher than 3.5m above floor
d) Buildings must be their own height away from boundaries and other buildings

How close can I build to a boundary or my house?
D boundary dim

Up to 30m² without Building Consent
A non-consentable building, under the Building Act, needs to be at least its own height away from any boundary and any dwelling.

Any building with Building Concent
The distance to boundary will depend on your District Plan Zoning however any walls of the building, that are less than 1 metre away from a boundary need to be fire-rated.
The building generally needs to be at least 2.0m from any other building with sleeping accomodation, otherwise fire-rating will be required for one or both buildings.

Can I change a design shown on your website?
change design

While we show some basic floor plans on this website, in practice most plan sets are created to suit client's exact site and living requirements.

This includes building style and size, type of foundation, entry steps and desks, floor layout, size and position of doors and windows, cladding materials, insulation and interior lining and kitchen and bathroom units.

See Custom Design Forms

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